July 22, 2020
Available for Viewing: They, Who Sound Special Delivery (1 of 2 videos)
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This is the first of two videos taken from audience footage during these performances: https://vimeo.com/433188458
(Video assembled by Chris Nelson)
They, Who Sound is Houston’s weekly series of experimental music presented by Nameless Sound and Lawndale Art Center. In response the Covid-19 pandemic, we launched They, Who Sound Special Delivery. For a small fee, anyone can order a They, Who Sound performer to come to their home and perform a 10 minute piece of experimental music from the safe distance at least 6 feet - on the sidewalk in front of their house, in their front yard, or in any appropriate spot.
Anthony Almendarez - trumpet
Tom Carter - guitar
Challenger (Donna Teresa Brannon, Randi Long) - voice, toys, mic, loop
Ryan Edwards - guitar, violin
Sandy Ewen - guitar
Lisa Harris - voice, performance
Jason Jackson/Ruth Langston - saxophone, cello
Danny Kamins - saxophone
Matt O’Hare/Aga Żebrowska - ?, ?
Ivette Roman-Roberto - voice
Jawwaad Taylor - trumpet, voice